Source code for controller.sentry.mixins


from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.html import format_html

from controller.sentry.choices import EventType

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse

    from controller.sentry.models import App, Event

[docs]class PrettyTypeMixin: """Mixin to add a pretty event type."""
[docs] def pretty_type(self, obj: "Event") -> str: """Pretty event type. Args: obj (Event): The event Returns: str: Pretty type """ color = "red" if obj.type == EventType.FIRING else "green" text = obj.type.capitalize() return format_html('<b style="color:{};">{}</b>', color, text)
[docs]class ProjectLinkMixin: """Mixin to get a project link."""
[docs] @admin.display(ordering="project__sentry_project_slug", description="project") def get_project(self, obj: "Union[Event, App]") -> str: """Get project link. Args: obj (Union[Event, App]): Event or App Returns: str: Petty formatted html link """ if obj.project is None: return None url = reverse("admin:%s_%s_change" % (self.model._meta.app_label, "project"), args=(,)) return format_html('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, str(obj.project)))
[docs]class ChartMixin: """Mixin to get a chart on admin.""" change_form_template = "admin/chart_change_form.html"
[docs] def change_view( self, request: "HttpRequest", object_id: str, form_url: str = "", extra_context: Optional[dict] = None ) -> "HttpResponse": """Method used to inject Chart data. Args: request (HttpRequest): Http request object_id (str): object id form_url (str): form_url (Default to Blank string) extra_context (Optional[dict]): extra context (Default to None) """ response = super().change_view(request, object_id, form_url, extra_context) # This could be a redirect and not have context_data if not hasattr(response, "context_data"): return response if result := self.get_chart_data(object_id): dataset, options = result response.context_data["adminchart_chartjs_config"] = { "type": "line", "data": dataset, "options": options, } return response