Source code for controller.sentry.tasks

from datetime import timedelta
from itertools import chain
from typing import Optional

from celery import group, shared_task
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from dateutil import parser
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Count, F
from django.utils import timezone

from controller.sentry.choices import EventType
from controller.sentry.detector import SpikesDetector
from controller.sentry.exceptions import SentryNoOutcomeException
from controller.sentry.models import App, Event, Project
from controller.sentry.webservices.sentry import PaginatedSentryClient

LOGGER = get_task_logger(__name__)

[docs]@shared_task() def populate_app() -> None: """This task is responsible for populating apps. For each new app, link the associated project to the app. This task should be run regularly. """ apps = App.objects.filter(project__isnull=True) for app in apps: res = app.reference.split("_") if len(res) == 3: sentry_id, env, command = res project, _ = Project.objects.get_or_create(sentry_id=sentry_id) app = App.objects.filter(reference=app.reference).update(command=command, env=env, project=project)
[docs]@shared_task() def prune_inactive_app() -> None: """This task is responsible for pruning apps and projects. For each app not seen in `settings.APP_AUTO_PRUNE_MAX_AGE_DAY` days, remove the app. For each project with no apps, remove the project. This task should be run regularly. """ last_seen = - timedelta(days=settings.APP_AUTO_PRUNE_MAX_AGE_DAY) apps = App.objects.filter(last_seen__lt=last_seen) if apps_count := apps.count():"Pruning %s apps", apps_count) apps.delete() projects = Project.objects.annotate(apps_count=Count("apps")).filter(apps_count=0) if projects_count := projects.count():"Pruning %s projects", projects_count) projects.delete()
[docs]@shared_task() def prune_old_event() -> None: """This task is responsible for pruning old event. Remove all event older than `settings.EVENT_AUTO_PRUNE_MAX_AGE_DAY` days. This task should be run regularly. """ period_end = - timedelta(days=settings.EVENT_AUTO_PRUNE_MAX_AGE_DAY) events = Event.objects.filter(timestamp__lt=period_end) if events_count := events.count():"Pruning %s apps", events_count) events.delete()
[docs]@shared_task() def close_window() -> None: """This task is responsible for closing sample rate window. For all apps with an `active_window_end` in the pass. Close the windows by setting * `active_sample_rate` to `default_sample_rate` * `active_window_end` to null This task should be run regularly. """ apps = App.objects.filter( apps.update(active_sample_rate=F("default_sample_rate"), active_window_end=None)
[docs]@shared_task() def pull_sentry_project_slug() -> None: """This task is responsible for getting the project slug from Sentry API. For all projects without a `sentry_project_slug`. Find their project slug and update the project This task should be run regularly. """ client = PaginatedSentryClient() projects = Project.objects.filter(sentry_project_slug__isnull=True) projects_by_id = {project.sentry_id: project for project in projects} modified_projects = [] for project in chain.from_iterable(client.list_projects()): _id = project["id"] if _id not in projects_by_id: continue projects_by_id[_id].sentry_project_slug = project["slug"] modified_projects.append(projects_by_id[_id]) Project.objects.bulk_update(modified_projects, ["sentry_project_slug"])
[docs]@shared_task() def monitor_sentry_usage() -> None: """This task is responsible for starting all the perform_detect tasks.""" projects = Project.objects.all() group(perform_detect.s(p.sentry_id) for p in projects).delay()
[docs]@shared_task() def perform_detect(sentry_id) -> None: """This task is responsible for the spike detection. Get stats for this project and run the spike detection algorithm Args: sentry_id (str): The sentry id of the project """ client = PaginatedSentryClient() project = Project.objects.get(sentry_id=sentry_id) stats = client.get_stats(project.sentry_id) detector = SpikesDetector.from_project(project) try: res, dump = detector.compute_sentry(stats) except SentryNoOutcomeException: return project.detection_result = dump # remove the last item since this stats on the last hour are not complete res.popitem() previous_signal = 0 events = [] last_event: Optional[Event] = for date, signal in res.items(): if previous_signal == signal: continue date = parser.parse(date) if last_event and date <= last_event.timestamp: previous_signal = signal continue event_type = EventType.FIRING if previous_signal == 0 else EventType.DISCARD events.append(Event(type=event_type, project=project, timestamp=date)) previous_signal = signal Event.objects.bulk_create(events) if events: project.last_event = events[-1]